Daily Tarot Draw - Nine of Wands - August 17th, 2024
Aug 17, 2024
2 min read
Daily Tarot Draw - Nine of Wands - August 17th, 2024
Keywords: defensive, overwhelm, paranoia, inner resources, past struggles, persistence
The figure in this card has been through some heavy stuff. Their head is bandages as they gaze wearily towards the wands behind, though you cannot see who is holding them. Perhaps the memory of past trauma is effecting the way we move forward, and we are not trusting of those around us due to it. Sometimes this is an important defence mechanism. Our bodies learn to put up defences based on what hurt us in the past. It affects our future behaviour, for better or for worse.
Though many face adversity daily, we stand strong and resilient. We’ve been there before, we know how to persevere. The number nine lets us know we are so close to the end of our ventures, so stand firm in your challenges. Others may have opposing views or plans, might try to get in your way, but don’t let that stop you. Let your flame burn bright and ignore the insecurities of others.
At the same time, this card reminds us though there are those who would put us down, there are also those who support us. Instead of spending the time wearily concerning yourself over those that wouldn’t support, reach out to your team, the ones that lift you up, protect you and push you forward. Accept their help and embrace their support.
Lastly but CERTAINLY not least - boundaries. Protect them. Your boundaries are there to keep you safe. It is not cruel to put up boundaries to protect your energy and care for yourself - in fact - it’s essential. We cannot help others and extend our support if our own wellbeing and energy is sapped. If someone is constantly bringing you down, take the space you need to build yourself back up. You owe it to yourself.
Love and energy, friends! 💞