Daily Tarot Draw - EIGHT OF CUPS - August 8th, 2024
Aug 8, 2024
2 min read
Daily Tarot Draw - EIGHT OF CUPS - August 8th, 2024
Keywords: Disappointment, re-evaluating priorities, withdrawal, escapism,
This a card that really invites us to take a deep look at our current lives and all that we have built up for ourselves thus far. As you can see in the image, the person is walking away from eight full cups - it could be an abundance that they have worked hard towards building up. However, still, they walk away. One cup is missing, perhaps what was initially viewed as fulfilment and happiness isn’t quite adding up to what was expected. Either way the person is now guided by the eclipse behind (signifying going with their intuition) and the river of emotion flows strong. The questions we must ask ourselves: are we living our lives in a way that reflects our highest potential? Or are we stubbornly pretending the flaws in our current plans don’t exist, persisting on? Sometimes things that were serving us previously are no longer serving our highest good and it is time to move onwards.
This asks us to look deeply inward at what brings us joy and satisfaction in our lives and reminds us that it’s ok to walk away, even if we have walked down a certain path for a long time. We are responsible for the change in our own lives to help manifest a beautiful, wonderful life that will ultimately bring us the love and happiness we deserve.
So fill your cups, dear readers, observe them, and move on to better listening to your intuition if that is what will serve your lives best. Fear not for change that can bring abundance, and lead you down an even greater path.
Love and energy, friends! 💞